傳統(tǒng)小吃“蛤蟆吐蜜"的餡料是什么?(傳統(tǒng)小吃\) 陪玩多少錢一個小時(那女孩對我說說我是一個小偷) 蘋果手機(jī)微信網(wǎng)絡(luò)出錯1004怎么辦 如何解決(蘋果手機(jī)注冊微信顯示網(wǎng)絡(luò)出錯1004) 動物之森如何讓小動物搬家(動物之森如何讓小動物搬家回家) 驅(qū)動精靈如何安裝打印機(jī)驅(qū)動程序(如何安裝打印機(jī)驅(qū)動程序) AI最常用的工具鋼筆工具(ai鋼筆工具組有哪些工具) 如何選擇比較靠譜的理財平臺(有哪些可靠的理財平臺) 對學(xué)生的評價要多選題(對學(xué)生的評價) Excel公式:[1]使用rank函數(shù)實現(xiàn)去重復(fù)排序(excel中rank排序有重復(fù)) 兒童患了齲齒要怎么辦(兒童患有齲齒怎么辦) APP風(fēng)險漏洞檢測怎么做? 在線檢測的詳細(xì)步驟(手機(jī)app漏洞檢測工具下載) U2外拍燈教程(u2攝影燈使用教程) 樸蔡琳老公(樸蔡琳) 王者榮耀如何設(shè)置不卡不發(fā)熱(王者榮耀怎么設(shè)置不卡不發(fā)熱) 樂趣文字聊天室網(wǎng)站(文字聊天室網(wǎng)站) 如何在kindle上買書?(怎樣在kindleapp上買書) 電話英語是啥(電話英文是什么) 英雄聯(lián)盟分辨率設(shè)置(英雄聯(lián)盟分辨率設(shè)置錯了怎么調(diào)回去) 三輪滑板車怎么玩?(三輪滑板車怎么玩技巧) 快樂星球冰檸檬張兆藝(張兆藝) 待處理財產(chǎn)損益的會計分錄(待處理財產(chǎn)損益的會計分錄怎么做) 怎樣挽回破裂的婚姻(怎樣挽回破裂的婚姻老公) 電腦安全衛(wèi)士哪個好用沒有彈窗(電腦安全衛(wèi)士哪個好) qq飛車手游時之沙怎么跑時之沙賽道教學(xué)(QQ飛車手游時之沙) 裝修公司營銷:4種思路教你如何做家裝營銷(裝修公司營銷:4種思路教你如何做家裝營銷手冊) 關(guān)于我有一個夢想的演講(關(guān)于 我有一個夢想 演講稿) 操作無法進(jìn)行 打印機(jī)后臺服務(wù)程序沒有運(yùn)行 釣魚選點(diǎn)技巧詳解(釣魚選點(diǎn)技巧詳解圖) 斬魂刺殺火神幻境詳細(xì)攻略(斬魂刺殺火神幻境詳細(xì)攻略圖) 逞能是什么意思(逞能) 武漢社保繳費(fèi)憑證(武漢社保繳費(fèi)憑證在哪里打) 無法逃離的背叛人物介紹(無法逃離的背叛) 【Mathematica】怎么繪制常見多面體的展開圖?(幾何體展開圖的畫法) 教你如何屌絲逆襲(吊絲怎么逆襲) 電腦鍵盤后退快捷鍵(電腦后退快捷鍵) 大京沙灘旅游攻略(大京沙灘旅游攻略圖) wps文本框設(shè)置透明教程(wps怎么添加文本框的框怎么透明) 無煙城市之稱是哪個城市(無煙城市) 第一天上幼兒園怎么安慰孩子(第一天上幼兒園怎么安慰孩子的情緒) 索坦 舒尼替尼可以治療哪些病劑量是怎樣的?(舒尼替尼索坦藥的作用) 錨固長度是什么意思圖解(錨固長度是什么意思) iphone12描述文件怎么刪除(iphone11如何刪除描述文件) 家常狗肉火鍋(家常狗肉火鍋的做法及配料) 適合七一朗誦的詩歌(適合中秋節(jié)朗誦的詩歌) 吉他常用D調(diào)和弦圖詳解(d調(diào)吉他和弦指法圖) 經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化的利弊影響有哪些(經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化的利弊) 紙垃圾盒的折法!(垃圾盒的折法視頻教程) 夢幻西游紅孩兒副本詳細(xì)攻略(夢幻西游紅孩兒副本詳細(xì)攻略_任務(wù)流程) 模糊照片變清晰app(模糊照片變清晰) WORD如何輸入不等于符號(word中不等于怎么打)
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導(dǎo)讀 關(guān)于六年級上英語期末試卷2020,六年級上英語期末試卷這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解答以上的問題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧


1、六年級上學(xué)期英語期末模擬試題一、寫一寫:請按照字母表的順序默寫L---Z 大小寫形式。


3、(共10分)第一組:1. When are you going? a. He is a singer.2. How can we go there? b. It is green.3. What does he do? c. Yes, she does.4. What color is it? d. This afternoon.5. Does your mother teach math? e. You can walk.第二組:6.take a trip 參觀長城7.read a magazine 聽音樂8.visit the Great Wall 讀雜志9.listen to the music 彈鋼琴10. play the piano 去旅行三、選一選:選出每組中不同類的單詞。

4、(共10分)123456789101.A.plane B. bike C. light D. bus2.A. head B. often C. hand D. leg3.A. violin B. zoo C. park D. bank4.A. green B. black C. blue D. kite5.A. singer B. writer C. mother D. actor 6.A. river B. sea C. moon D. stream7.A. wind B. come C. snow D. rain8.A. water B. what C. where D. who9.A. tree B. flower C. man D. grass10.A. month B. lovely C. week D. day四、小馬虎的作業(yè)總是丟三落四,請你幫他選一選吧?。ü?5分)1234567891011121314151. ______at a yellow light.A. Wait B. Go C. Stop2. -----What does Tom do? -----______________.A. Tom goes to school. B. Tom is a boy C. Tom is a teacher3.-----How does he go to school? ----______________.A. On feet B. By foot C. On foot4. He likes ________planes. He likes ________,too.A. make/swimming B. making / swimming C. making / swim5. Does she _______ in the city?A. living B. live C. lives6.----- Happy birthday! ---- ___________________.A. The same to you B. Thank you C.OK7.----- Excuse me. Where is the library?----- _________________________.A. Where’s the museum? B. Yes, there is C. It’s next to the post office.8. ----- ----- I’m going to buy an English book.A. When are you goning? B. What are you going to buy?C. I’m going to plant trees.9. 當(dāng)你去商店時,售貨員通常首先會說: ____________A. How are you ? B. What are you going to do?C. Can I help you ?10.-----Where are you going this afternoon?-----___________________________A. I’m going to buy some comic books. B. I’m going to the bookstore.C.I’m going to visit my aunt.11. My aunt is going to Hong Kong _________ plane.A. by B. take C. on12. My father is _______ engineer and my mother is _______ English teacher.A. an, a B. an, an C. a, a13. We look the same, _____ we don’t like the same thing.A. but B. and C. or14. The sun ______ and the water can _____ vapour.A. shines, become B. shines, becomes C. shine, become15. Where _______ the rain come from?A. do B. does C. is五、連詞成句。

5、(共18分)1. father, is, my, to, TV, watch, going ___________________________________.2. she, does, singing, like___________________________________?3. in, works, who, factory, a____________________________________?4. should, then, what, I, do____________________________________?5. the, to, bookstore, next, is, post office, the______________________________________.6. you, to, school, how, go ,do______________________________________?六、改一改:小馬虎的作業(yè)總是丟三落四,請你幫他修改一下吧!(共12分)1. I go to school by foot. 把________改為_______2. The cinema is in the left of the road. 把________改為_______3. ---- When are you going? ----- The cinema. 把________改為_______4. Do you like makeing kites? 把________改為_______5. Miss Gao teach us English? 把________改為_______6. Does you watch TV in the evening? 把________改為________七、讀一讀:閱讀短文,完成下列題目。


7、A:Hi, Jim. Are you free tomorrow?B:Yes, I am. Tomorrow is Sunday.A:Good. Tomorrow is Mike’s birthday. Let’s go to his birthday party.B:Sounds good. Let’s buy a nice present for him.A:OK, how about a toy car?B:Oh, no. Mike has so many toy cars. Why don’t we buy him a storybookA:Good idea. Mike likes reading very much. Shall we go to the bookshop now?B:What’s the time now?A:It’s six thirty.B:Oh, it’s too late. How about tomorrow morning.A:OK. Let’s go to the bookshop by Bus No.2.B:Good. Let’s meet at nine o’clock in front of Lianhua Supermarket.A:All right. See you tomorrow, David.B:See you then.1. When’s Mike’s birthday party?A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.2. What does Mike have?A. A lot of toy cars. B. Many presents. C. A new football.3. When will David and Jim meet?***.***t nine on Saturday morning.B.At six thirty on Saturday afternoon.***.At nine on Sunday morning.4. Which present will Mike get from David and Jim?A. A big cake. B. A storybook. C. A toy car.5. Does Mike like reading books and playing with cars?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.(B)閱讀理解,判斷文后句子的正(T)誤(F) My name is Liu Yun. I have a pen pal in Canada. Her name is Alice. She is 12 this year. And she goes to school by bus. She likes playing the violin and writing e-mails. Her favouite color is blue and she likes noodles very much. Her father is an engineer. He works in a car company. He goes to work by car. He likes diving. Her mother is an English teacher. She goes to work by bus, too. She likes swimming very much. Her twin sisiter, Ann is a student, too. She likes playing football and singsing. Her favourite colour is black. And she likes dumplings.6. Ann is 12 this year.7. Alice likes playing the violin and swimming.8. Her father works in a hospital.9. Her mother teaches English.10. Ann and Alice are twins, but they don’t like the same things.。



