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導(dǎo)讀 關(guān)于nba2003年選秀控位最好的是誰,nba2003年選秀這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解答以上的問題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧!1


1、1. Cleveland Cavaliers’03 pick: LeBron James’06 do-over: LeBron JamesIt was a no-brainer then, and it’s a no-brainer now. Forget that LeBron was the hometown kid who would have sold a ton of jerseys and product even if he was just an okay NBA player. LeBron could have been born in Newport, R.I., and the Cavs would still have no choice but to take the sport’s next iconic superstar on the court and on Madison Avenue.2. Detroit Pistons’03 pick: Darko Milicic’06 do-over: Carmelo AnthonyComing off a 50-win season in which they advanced to the Eastern Conference finals, the Pistons lucked out by scoring the No. 2 overall pick in that summer’s draft, which they got from the Grizzlies for Otis Thorpe, of all people. Big Ben, Rip and Billups were all on the roster, with Tayshaun Prince playing the background as a rookie who averaged just 10 minutes per game. ‘Melo would have become Detroit’s best option at creating his own shot and the pure scorer that the team hasn’t had since the Jerry Stackhouse/Grant Hill era. Just imagine this lineup: Chauncey, Hamilton, ‘Melo, Rasheed and Ben Wallace, with Tayshaun coming off the bench. Nasty. The Pistons might be getting fitted for their third championship rings right now. Wade may stand out right now as a better player than ’Melo, but ’Melo would have been a better fit for Detroit. And how cool would it have been to have ‘Bron and ‘Melo in the same division?3. Denver Nuggets’03 pick: Carmelo Anthony’06 do-over: Dwyane WadeMaybe you don’t remember the ’02-03 Nuggets, but we do. Here’s a good idea of how bad they were: Junior Harrington, Donnell Harvey and Rodney White were all significant contributors; Juwan Howard led the team in scoring and rebounding; and the franchise’s primary building blocks were Nene and Skita. They needed a savior, and D-Wade would have been it.4. Toronto Raptors’03 pick: Chris Bosh’06 do-over: Chris BoshNo change here, as the Raps miss out on the big big three but still land one of the best young forwards in the game. The better question is, what will be saying about Toronto’s No. 1 overall selection of Andrea Bargnani three years from now?5. Miami Heat’03 pick: Dwyane Wade’06 do-over: Kirk HinrichThe pre-Shaq/Wade Heat had some solid players, but definitely no stars, with rookie Caron Butler, Eddie Jones, and a still-relevant Brian Grant being the most notable. With Wade off the board in this draft, we think Miami would look toward the point – at the time, the team was rolling with Travis Best and Mike James (pre-breakout) at the one. That would leave Hinrich and T.J. Ford, and given T.J.’s injury history and Hinrich’s ascension to borderline All-Star status, Kirk gets the nod.6. Los Angeles Clippers’03 pick: Chris Kaman’06 pick: Darko MilicicYes, Kaman has grown into one of the game’s best centers and compliments Elton Brand more than nicely. But after Darko’s disastrous experience in Detroit, he did show signs of being a really good player this past season. Had the Clippers (or anyone else) picked Darko in ’03 and actually given him some tick, he could conceivably be more of an impact player than Kaman is today.7. Chicago Bulls’03 pick: Kirk Hinrich’06 do-over: Josh HowardThe “Baby Bulls” – Tyson Chandler and Eddy Curry – were still intriguing prospects and pretty much untouchable at this point, and Jamal Crawford was just beginning to come into his own as a scorer. What this team didn’t have was a true point guard, following Jay Williams’ off-season motorcycle crash, nor did they have young talent on the wings (Jalen Rose doesn’t count). Ford would have been tantalizing, but a do-everything guy like Howard would have fit in perfectly with this Chicago squad.8. Milwaukee Bucks’03 pick: T.J. Ford’06 do-over: Chris KamanThe Bucks had Gary Payton and Sam Cassell at the end of the ’02-03 season, but both bounced in free agency, to the Lakers and Wolves, respectively. Michael Redd was emerging as a star, but with the Ervin Johnson/Dan Gadzuric combo holding it down (and we use that term loosely) in the middle and nothing really going on at the point, the two biggest needs were at the one and the five. Ford would be in the discussion, but decent PGs are much easier to come by than legitimately talented 7-footers.9. New York Knicks’03 pick: Michael Sweetney’06 do-over: T.J. FordFinishing eight games below .500, the Knicks were visibly horrible in ’03 like they are today. Allan Houston had played a full 82, Spree was around before bolting to the Wolves as a free agent, and Kurt Thomas was still usable. The point guard situation was pretty shaky, though, as Stephon Marbury was still in Phoenix and the Knicks trotted out Howard Eisley and Charlie Ward to man the position. Isiah would like T.J.’s speed and heart.10. Washington Wizards’03 pick: Jarvis Hayes’06 do-over: Boris DiawThe Wizards are like the Suns of the East, eschewing defense in an effort to put up as many points as possible. If Diaw can thrive in Phoenix’s system, he’d do just fine with Washington.11. Golden State Warriors’03 pick: Mickael Pietrus’06 do-over: Leandro BarbosaGolden State took Pietrus thinking they were getting a super-athletic scorer who could play a little D. Barbosa is all of that, plus he can hit the outside shot.12. Seattle Supersonics’03 pick: Nick Collison’06 do-over: David WestWe’re not really faulting the Sonics for taking Collison at this spot. He was nasty at Kansas, and when he’s been on the court in the pros, he fills a valuable role for Seattle. It’s just that he’s battled injuries that have often kept him on the sidelines. West is emerging into a big-time clutch player, a power forward who can shoot and would fit in with Seattle’s jump shot-happy, up-tempo style.13. Memphis Grizzlies’03 pick: Marcus Banks (traded to Boston)’06 do-over: Luke WaltonThe ’03 Grizzlies had talent: Pau Gasol, J-Will, Bonzi, Shane Battier, James Posey and even Mr. Potential, Stromile Swift. As we’ve seen from their 0-for-potseason franchise record, they still needed someone to help produce offense. Walton isn’t a big scorer, but his passing and basketball IQ would’ve created opportunities for guys that needed to be set up, i.e. Battier, Swift and Posey.。



