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導讀 關(guān)于最長的歌名是哪首歌,最長的歌這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解答以上的問題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧!1、世界上最長的



2、 1. Art Of Life Desert Rose Why do you live alone If you are sad I’ll make you leave this life Are you white, blue or bloody red All I can see is drowning in cold grey sand The winds of time You knock me to the ground I’m dying of thirst I wanna run away I don’t know how to set me free to live My mind cries out feeling pain I’ve been roaming to find myself How long have I been feeling endless hurt Falling down, rain flows into my heart In the pain I’m waiting for you Can’t go back No place to go back to Life is lost, Flowers fall If it’s all dreams Now wake me up If it’s all real Just kill me I’m making the wall inside my heart I don’t wanna let my emotions get out It scares me to look at the world Don’t want to find myself lost in your eyes I tried to drown my past in grey I never wanna feel more pain Ran away from you without saying any words What I don’t wanna lose is love Through my eyes Time goes by like tears My emotion’s losing the color of life Kill my heart Release all my pain I’m shouting out loud Insanity takes hold over me Turning away from the wall Nothing I can see The scream deep inside reflecting another person in my heart He calls me from within "All existence you see before you must be wiped out : Dream, Reality, Memories, and Yourself" I begin to lose control of myself My lust is so blind, destroys my mind Nobody can stop my turning to madness No matter how you try to hold me in your heart Why do you wanna raise these walls I don’t know the meaning of hatred My brain gets blown away hearing words of lies I only want to hold your love Stab the dollls filled with hate Wash yourself with their blood Drive into the raging current of time Swing your murderous weapon into the belly "the earth" Shout and start creating confusion Shed your blood for pleasure And what? For love? What am I supposed to do? I believe in the madness called "Now" Past and future prison my heart Time is blind But I wanna trace my love on the wall of time, over pain in my heart Art of life Insane blade stabbing dreams Try to break all truth now But I can’t heal this broken heart in pain Cannot start to live, Cannot end my life Keep on crying Close my eyes Time breathes I can hear All love and sadness melt in my heart Dry my tears Wipe my bloody face I wanna feel me living my life outside my walls You can’t draw a picture of yesterday, so You’re painting your heart with your blood You can’t say "No" Only turning the wheel of time with a rope around your neck You build a wall of morality and take a breath from between the bricks You make up imaginary ennemies and are chased by them You’re trying to commit suicide You’re satisfied with your prologue Now you’re painting your first chapter black You are putting the scraps of life together and trying to make an asylum for yourself You’re hitting a bell at the edge of the stage and You are trying to kill me I believe in the madness called "Now" Time goes flowing, breaking my heart Wanna live Can’t let my heart kill myself Still I haven’t found what I’m looking for Art of life I try to stop myself But my heart goes to destroy the truth Tell me why I want the meaning of my life Do I try to live, Do I try to love in my dream I’m breaking the wall inside my heart I just wanna let my emotions get out Nobody can stop I’m running to freedom No matter how you try to hold me in your world Like a doll carried by the flow of time I sacrificed the present moment for the future I was in chains of memory half-blinded Losing my heart, walking in the sea of dreams Close my eyes Rose breathes I can hear All love and sadness melt in my heart Dry my tears Wipe my bloody face I wanna feel me living my life outside my mind Dreams can make me mad I can’t leave my dream I can’t stop myself Don’t know what I am What lies are truth? What truths are lies? I believe in the madness called "Now" Time goes flowing, breaking my heart Wanna to live Can’t let my heart kill myself Still I haven’t found what I’m looking for Art of life I try to stop myself But my heart goes to destroy the truth Tell me why I want the meaning of my life Do I try to live, Do I try to love Art of life An Eternal Bleeding heart You never wanna breathe your last Wanna live Can’t let my heart kill myself Still I’m feeling for A Rose is breathing love in my life希望采納。


